Despite the most perfect autumn day today, you cried.
You do not cry often. It simply is not your thing, but months of suppressing frustration and being your father’s daughter, which means that you are stubborn, those crazy tears appeared to have just been waiting for the right moment.
you cried for those suffering, those who have lost loved ones, jobs, sports, mental health. You cried because you hate wearing a mask and you miss teaching in class. You miss the daily hugs from coworkers you were used to seeing in person every day. You cried over your two cats and your geriatric dog.You miss my family. You cried because objectivity in the news and in the government has vanished and you are disappointed in 2020. You cried because of the election turmoil and lost friends. You cried because you dearly love your LGBTQ friends and family and worry about them. You cried because you are scared for the future, and you are finding it increasingly difficult to trust any politician in charge.
You know that these feelings are real and they are okay. You were especially reminded of this as you were talking with your son virtually when these tears happened. You were not burdening him with your emotions, but trusting him in the most profound way. The transition of my kids becoming confidants seems to be the only good thing you have going these days.!
You know that life, despite its bumps, is so, so beautiful. And for now you are simply grieving all of the things that you are missing. And even though you know that you will eventually return to your work in person, you fear for the changes that will remain in place. The creation of new and self isolated working pods will likely change the way you have conveniently interacted with your coworkers in the past, but you hope the new prefabricated office walls will still allow for you to bring your own personality to your work space.
Tomorrow’s Office Space Will Continue to Evolve Into a Safer and More Clean Environment
From warehouse offices that are being installed in lieu of large corporate office spaces to the warehouse partitioning systems that are being used in a number of settings, there are many things that are changing about the places where Americans work. Learning to create social circles and in person connections in these new safer, but more sterile, areas will occur, but right now as the holidays approach many are mourning the disappearance of past office traditions that are simply no longer possible.
From warehouse offices in the midwest where the Covid 19 numbers are spring to empty corporate buildings on the coasts, workers across the nation are turning to their family and friends to help navigate these most challenging of times. Mild fall weather in many parts of the country are allowing for some businesses to hole safe outdoor gatherings and it is fortunate that modular methods allow for speedier construction times while still maintaining quality. As the workforce returns, however, it is very likely that they will be coming back to offices that are physically very different from how they were some eight moths ago.
Fortunately, with the use of the latest modular construction technologies, companies are able to reduce energy consumption during the building process by as much as 67% and reduce energy costs later on for occupants. This will be important as companies also adapt to the other kinds of changes that they will need to provide. As an example, even warehouse offices that once housed lowering earning workers are understanding the increasing importance of providing better health coverage for workers and affordable or free childcare options. Saving money on office space, of course, can provide some of the undoing that is needed for these additional worker benefits.
Navigating the emotions and the financial and health challenges of these times is not easy, but it is important to note that there are many ways that innovative strategies like new in-plnat warehouse offices can create the affordable solutions that many companies are looking for. Is your company ready to face its challenges?