Whether or not it makes us comfortable, pharmaceuticals are playing an increasingly large part in our lives. Nearly 50% of Americans have taken at least one drug that can’t be found over the counter in the past month, and doctors fill around 2.6 billion prescriptions annually. We all practically plan for a follow-up trip to…
Give Your HR Department a Boost
If someone was to tell you that, according to the United States Department of Labor estimates that a single bad hiring decision can cost a company an amount that’s roughly equal to 30% of that company’s first-year potential earnings, would you consider fortifying your Human Resources Department? Human resources consulting firms have been tracking the…
How it’s Made is a Great Show, but Where Does Your Plastic Really Come From?
Plastic is an ever-present product in your daily life. You store old trinkets in plastic bins, take food to work in Tupperware, and drink from plastic cups. Even prescription medication comes in little orange bottles made of, you guessed it, plastic. But where does that plastic come from? How is it made? What ensures quality…
Things to Consider When Thinking About Travel by Cargo Ship
If you have ever dreamed of seeing the planet by sea, you are not alone. In 2011, 19 million people took cruise ship vacations. That year, this kind of travel was a bit part of the tourism industry and bought in about $29.4 million. A cruise ship is considered to be one where transportation is…
4 Points About a Fire Protection System
If you own a hotel or an apartment complex or any kind business where there are employees, residents, guests or customers, then I’m sure you understand the importance of having fire protection systems in place. I spoke with a hotel manager one time that informed me that he was under the impression that fire protection…
Is Your Small Business Sinking Under the Weight of Consumer Fraud? Experts Say Fight Back
Out of work and looking to make a fresh start? You’re in good company: small businesses owners have added more than 8 million new jobs to the American economy in the last two decades. As the rates of outsourcing increase — along with corporate “downsizing” and offshoring — more Americans than ever are getting into…
5 Tips for Choosing the Right Childcare for Your Child
It is estimated that less than a third of children in the United States have a full time stay at home parent. Gone are the days of the stay at home guardian. In this fast paced life, many times having two working parents is essential. This means that, especially if you are a working professional,…
7 Characteristics of a Good Sales Rep
If you are considering a career in sales, there are a few things that you should have under your belt before you begin. Sales staffing agencies have a criteria of skills and characteristics that they look for when hiring people for sales positions. Sales recruiters won’t just hire whoever is trainable, there is more to…
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Vehicle Wrap Advertisement
Our world is so saturated with marketing that consumers are innately groomed to ignore advertisements. They leave the room during television commercials. They skip right over internet ads. They don’t even notice billboards. In order to get your business notice by potential customers, you really have to get creative with your advertising. One awesome way…
What You Need to Know About Driveway Maintenance
Hiring a pressure washing company is the best way to keep your home’s exterior looking clean and well-maintained. Professional pressure washing removes dirt, grime, mold, and stains from surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, patios, and siding. Before starting the cleaning process, a pressure wash pre treatment is often applied to help break down stubborn stains, grease,…