Protecting Your Business Against Shoplifters

Reports from 2013 showed that over $4.5 billion was lost due to property losses caused by burglaries. For business owners, nearly 40% of all inventory loss is attributed to shoplifting, with 34.5% being attributed to employee theft.

As a business owner, your number one effort is to take the time to ensure that your business is safe and secure. Finances and merchandise is key to business, and losing either makes for a serious business deficit. To protect yourself from burglaries, shoplifting and employee theft, consider installing commercial security within your business.

Commercial security and security systems are means through which you, as a business owner, can properly protect your company against any unwanted thefts. There are a variety of products available on the market that can protect your business, and each has their own positive qualities:

Video Surveillance

Estimates show that two-thirds of all burglaries can be avoided just by installing a video surveillance system into your business. Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) is a video surveillance system that will be recording your business at all times, keeping an eye on the activities of both customers and employees within the business space. Not only will the visibility of a surveillance system act as a deterrent to crime, but recorded evidence can be utilized by you in case their is a burglary that will be brought to court.

Security Alarm Systems

A form of intrusion commercial security, alarm systems are means to deter crime and protect your business in the event of a break-in. With the likes of motion detectors and door and window sensors, of which can be armed upon closing your business for the night, you can protect your business against any unwanted intruders. These are often linked to external companies, allowing for them to immediately contact you following breaches, as well as contacting local law enforcement, if you’d like.

Remote Monitoring

While it is important to have security measures that can watch your business from within, you, as a business owner, should have a commercial security system in place that can keep an eye on your business even when you are not there. Remote monitoring allows for you to watch your business even while you are not there. Through intelligent technology, these commercial security systems can provide you with updates, as well as the benefit of around-the-clock monitoring.

Access Control Systems

Sometimes the simplest form of security is ensuring that you are the only person who can access the important documents and technology for your business. Access control systems have the protective measures to guarantee that you, and those you most trust, are the only individuals able to access the most secure parts of your business.

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