Planet Earth is known as being a watery world, but where modern life and industry are concerned, only a fraction of that water is in fact useful. Fresh water, or salt-free water, is just a small percentage of all the world’s water, and only 1% of all water on the Earth is suitable for drinking. Clean water can be provided when water purification plants in towns and cities extract water from waste material such as coal ash, sewage, industrial waste, and more, and filters and chemicals in those plants will result in clean water that is then released into public utilities. But clean water should not be taken for granted; a lot of it is used for industrial purposes, from coal mines to factories, and commercial construction dewatering, for example, requires that water present at a mine, construction site, or similar workplace be removed. Commercial construction dewatering can be done by means of specialized pumps and filters, and can enable work at an otherwise excessively watery location.
Commercial Construction Dewatering
Groundwater is vital for human life, and a lot of clean water provided by filtration plants and public utilities come from aquifers and water tables. But for some industries, this water is an obstacle, and commercial construction dewatering must be done if an area set for mining or construction has too much water in it for work to begin. If this is the case, a construction or mining crew may have their own equipment to remove this water by pumping it, but in other cases, commercial construction dewatering might only be possible when a specialized crew of contractors is hired to get the job done, and they will have all the right gear to begin water extraction from a site. Environmental contractors might also be contacted to help make sure that this job is done right, and once the water is extracted, a crew can begin their construction or mining work at the site. Filter presses may be used to take up large chunks of soil into the machine, then use pressure and filters to simply squeeze out the water on an industrial scale, and the solid remains are put back. The water, meanwhile, can be taken elsewhere for other purposes.
Other Water Filtration
There is only so much water to go around, and for nearly half of all Americans, their water comes directly from groundwater like aquifers. Water may also come from processing sewage and industrial waste water, and this of course means that effective filters and strict quality control must always be in place so that water can be safe and useful for everyone. Large water treatment plants are where this filtration work can be done.
Primary and secondary waste treatment, to begin with, can remove up to 85% to 95% of the pollutants in water, and only after that will treated wastewater be disinfected and released into local waterways. Just what might be found in water that is drawn from natural sources? A lot. Even without any human pollution, natural water is not safe to drink, and it may contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and microscopic parasites that could easily cause a public health hazard. Ground water may also have unsafe concentrations of certain elements, and this too can be a real problem. Then there is the matter of man-made contaminants. Nearly 70% of all industrial waste produced today is dumped into bodies if water that act as sources of human-used water, meaning that in a general sense, human civilization dumps its waste right into its own drinking water. Similarly, nearly 80% of the most serious dumping and hazard sites in the United States have negatively impacted nearly groundwater quality.
All this water still needs to be drunk or used for everyday or commercial purposes, so filters of all kinds will clear out all natural and man-made contaminants first. Most solid wastes are removed in these treatment plants by means of physical filters and allowing solids to float or sink in tanks, allowing them to separate themselves. Powerful chemicals and helpful bacteria species can remove harmful waste chemicals or organic matter and bacteria inside the water, making it safe for drinking and use later on. Rollers can also squeeze water out of materials if need be.