Even if you don’t think you work a dirty job, chances are that you probably do. For example, you might think a toilet is pretty germy — and it is — but did you know that the average work desk has way more germs on it than an office toilet? And it’s not just one or two times the amount of germs; it can be upwards of 400! Yikes. The average American work desk is home to more than 10 million bacteria, many of which can cause illness. A typical keyboard, chair, and mouse can harbor up to 21,000 germs per square inch, and with the flu virus able to survive on hard surfaces for upwards of two days or more, it’s easy to see why commercial cleaning services might be worthwhile.
Just think of all the hours you spend at work each week. For many hardworking Americans, it can be more than 40, which means the office becomes a second home of sorts. The only difference is that you have to share this home with your coworkers and employees, which means you’re also sharing their germs too. With so many staff members spending upwards of 40 hours or more a week there, there’s no doubt that professional commercial cleaning services are needed in order to maintain the space. Don’t make the unfortunate mistake of thinking this isn’t necessary! You and your employees will only regret it later.
Commercial cleaning services can not only increase employee satisfaction and therefore productivity, but they also provide a number of other benefits. Here are just a few:
A work environment that’s safer for everyone
It should come as no surprise a clean, sanitary workplace is a safe workplace. It’s well known that offices are literally teeming with germs and are a breeding ground for bacteria, and in some cases a messy or dirty work area can actually be a safety hazard. Aside from the threat of illness, untidy work areas can lead to accidents and increase the possibility of injury, which means the chances of a workers compensation claim being filed are high. You think you’re saving money by doing the work of a professional commercial cleaners yourself, however, you’re only wasting time in the long run. Only professional commercial cleaners have the know how, tools, and resources to thoroughly and safely clean work environments. All of this is especially true for the manufacturing industry. That’s right — commercial cleaners do much more than clean offices!
Reduce stress
How would you feel walking into a dirty restaurant? Chances are, you would feel annoyed, disgusted, and even frustrated. You probably wouldn’t want to eat there or have anything to do with the place, and the same goes for your employees. A dirty, cluttered, and unkempt work environment can increase employee stress levels and dissatisfaction. In addition, asking your employees to clean beyond cleaning up after themselves will only add tot the frustration. For commercial cleaning services however, performing janitorial and cleaning services is just another day at work. Leaving the cleaning up to the professionals allows your employees to focus on their work.
Increased productivity and professionalism
It’s hard to be professional and feel productive in a work environment that’s littered with trash or that otherwise looks unkempt. Several clinical studies have confirmed this, revealing that workplace productivity and cleanliness are intricately linked. A survey conducted by office supply retailer OfficeMax consisting of more 1,000 adult participants revealed that 90% of those polled feel that clutter had a negative effect on their life, with 77% going on to claim that it also decreased their productivity. Science has also proven these sentiments time and time again. The premise is fairly simple — humans are visual creatures and clutter, trash, waste, and even dirt can create a sense of visual over stimulation. This creates stress, confusion, and even irritability. Furthermore, a cleaner work environment simply lends itself to professionalism!
Last but not least, a cleaner work environment means that less employees are likely to get sick and use sick time. This means work is getting done and everyone is healthy.