We all want to keep the air we breathe clean and smelling great. For businesses, such as restaurants or hospitals, that task can be harder. Having the right exhaust fan such as a Fantech system is incredibly important in getting to that goal. Exhaust fans can effectively remove all sorts of contaminants from the air in your home or business. These can include pollen, dirt, dust, hot air and smoke or other substances that cause bad odors and other problems.
There are a lot of duct fans out there so finding the right one is the first issue that needs to be tackled. This determination is based on a number of factors. The first is the size of the space. When you take the space and divide it by five, you can get the smallest sized Fantech system that will work in the space. The kind of space also matters. For instance, hospitals often use a kind of fan that will circulate the air in a space as much as 300 times an hour. That might not be needed for every business.
The next thing to think about is maintenance. As the commercial fans remove contaminants from your air, they can become very dirty themselves. There are things you can do to keep your Fantech or other exhaust fan system operating at its maximum efficiency and keep your air as clean as possible.
- Vacuum your vents. The vents on your exhaust fans can get dirty, greasy and clogged. When there is buildup in your vents, this can cause a breakdown of the unit itself and no air cleaning will happen at all. So, if you periodically take a shop-vacuum to your unit’s vents will substantially reduce the amount of grime and dirt that has accumulated on your vents. You will need to take a look at the inside and outside of the Fantech system. To get all of the dirt and dust from the exhaust fan, you will need to approach it from inside and out. Be careful to wear a mask when you do this. You probably do not want to breathe in all of the dirt from your fan. This is more important if you suffer from allergies or asthma.
- Take a broom to your vents. You should start with a vacuum but that may not get all of the dirt, grease and dust that has accumulated on your vents. This can get stuck and be hard to remove. This will accomplish two things for you. You will remove the debris and dirt that you were not able to remove with the vacuum but has the additional benefit of helping to make the walls of your duct fans less attractive to dirt, dust and debris. You can also use a duster. If you get one that has a longer handle, you can reach more of the interior of the fan and get more of the dirt from your Fantech system. Just as when you vacuum the fan, you should make sure you do both the interior and exterior of the unit to get the maximum amount of dirt.
- Check the filter. The filter on your exhaust fan can become clogged and dirty. This is another thing that can make it run less effectively and even lead to a breakdown of your Fantch system completely. It is also an easy thing to check and to fix. You should make a point to check your fan’s filter often and change when you see that it is dirty or clogged. At the very least, you should do this once a month.
- Stay on schedule. The best way to stay on top of the cleanliness of your system is to clean it regularly. This means you should set a monthly date to clean your fan and then stick to it. This will also give you a chance to check the unit for any potential problems. If you find small problems, you can get them checked and fixed before they become large ones that can be potentially very bad for the Fantech system. You might want to change the filter and clean the fan on the same day.