Using Digital Signage and Other Retail Displays

A lot of money and time is spent every year researching new and better marketing and advertising methods. The results show that a huge variety of communication channels work well for modern advertising, from website design and SEO work to deli sign holders, price tags, and digital signs. A modern business can use nearly all of these options, and hire SEO firms and other digital marketing agencies for their online campaign. Meanwhile, physical signs and creative retail display ideas are as relevant as ever, and creative retail display ideas may greatly impress shoppers who visit a grocery store or department store. While creative retail display ideas vary widely, many of them may involve innovative arrangements of display items, colorful signs, props (including mannequins), and more.

Using Digital Signage

Electronic media can be useful for a store even if the Internet is not involved. Digital signs are quite appealing to customers, as they feature animated visuals that catch the eye. Such signs can be placed in windows or stand freely, or even hang on a wall. Those displays are easy to see during rain or dark lighting, and they may act as many signs in one by featuring an entire slideshow of images and advertisements. A store or company has the option to look up local rental companies that offer these display models, and choose some that fit their needs. It may be a good idea to look over these digital signs in person before renting, to ensure that a sign has the desired size, screen resolution, and other features. The renter may also factor in the electricity needed to run them, and how it will impact their electric bill. But if displayed prominently, such signs can go a long way for marketing purposes.

Who is even looking at all these signs, digital or otherwise? Lots of consumers, that is. Statistics show that a typical business may have 85% of its intended customers living within a five-mile radius of that business, and this means that signs placed inside that circle can efficiently reach out to many customers every day. A person inside that area may see a given brand name 50 to 60 times per week, which is a lot of exposure by many standards. Consumers also say in surveys that a high quality, attractive sign is best, and such signs give them confidence that the business can deliver high quality goods or services. Around half of all people who enter a new business may do so because of attractive signage in the area. Conversely, shoddy or ugly signs may drive them away, and inspire no confidence in the business itself.

Indoor Displays

Outdoor signs are effective at promoting a brand name or store name to pedestrians and drivers, and once customers step inside, the battle for their attention and spending money continues. This time, attracting a customer’s attention is the job of creative retail display ideas, which may range from a table loaded with goods to mannequins wearing stylish clothes to hanging items from the ceiling. After all, most shoppers enter a retailer without knowing what they want to buy, so retail signs, displays, and even price tags compete for their spending money.

Indoor signs are a staple, and they can be either mounted on the floor on a long rod and stand, or they may be smaller displays that sit on a table. Such signs often have a blank slot where printed displays can be slotted in, making them useful for advertising a discount or deal, new items, clearance items, and more. Meanwhile, a table may have colorful linens draped over it, and display goods are set up in an attractive arrangement, complete with decorative items to help catch the eye. In grocery stores, shelf tags can advertise a new deal or bulk bargains. Price tags can use black, bold fonts to clearly show an item’s price against a light-colored background, and an old price may be crossed off while the newer, lower price is displayed prominently. Often, a customer may choose to buy an item because they can tell what sort of discount they are getting. An item that’s 20% off may sell well, especially with nearby signs advertising that discount.

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