Earth Day is a celebration that reminds all of us to protect our most valuable resource: this planet. From exercises at school that help children remember about the water conservation to whole community events that promote recycling and other environmentally friendly efforts, Earth Day is a time to make sure that everyone is doing their part. One of the most important ways that most of us can help the planet is to be more aware of and to protect the water resources that we have.
The need for new solutions for water treatment systems is especially high in parts of the midwest with record flooding this spring. Many of us take for granted our ability to get clean water, but if you have ever been in a part of the country where your water treatment plant has been damaged then you know the challenges that follow. From ground water contamination to environmental remediation services there are many times when the water that plays such an important part in our lives can be compromised.
In addition to extreme weather conditions, there are also many things that we do to put our water supplies at risk. For example, nearly 70% of the industrial waste is dumped into the water bodies where they pollute the nation’s usable water supply. Given that only 3% of Earth’s water is fresh water it is important that this valuable resource is protected.
How Safe Is the Water That Your Family Drinks?
Environmental remediation contractors have difficult jobs these days as industries continue to cause problems like chemical spills and ground water contamination. Ground water accounts for more than 95% of the nation’s available fresh water resources, and serves as the drinking water source for as many as 50% of the people in this country. When groundwater is damaged the process of cleaning it up can be both extensive and expensive.
Each year, as many as 16,000 chemical spills occur from trucks, trains, and storage tanks. These spills often take place when materials are being transferred, and contribute to the fact that only 1% of the Earth’s water is suitable for drinking. Make today, or this entire month, a time when you evaluate the water usage in your home and see what changes you can make.