So many startups find themselves in need of a new digital marketing strategy. Most companies think they need to focus on SEO strategies, when they first need to focus their attention on their web design. Poor web design can be blamed for why so many businesses fail as startups. Let?s see what web design really affects.
Your Web Design Represents Your Brand
If you care about your brand and how you are perceived by others on the internet, then you need to focus your attention on your web design. Is your web design really giving the full effect of what your brand is and what it stands for or does it lack it certain ways?
It?s important to assess your web design because it does represent your overall brand message. Clean up the website, edit the photos and make them more professional or do whatever you feel will make your brand stand out.
Web Design Can Dictate Your Customers? Shopping Experience
Let?s face it ? there is no excuse in this era to have a poor web design. One of the most influential factors to this is because it alters the customers? shopping experience drastically. You could be losing out on profit and never even know it.
If you don?t keep up with analytics or have someone who does, you could be missing a main key point to your impending doom ? you may more clicks on your website than you have of actual purchases. This percentage trends on the higher end (50% or more) when you have a poorly design web page. People don?t want to stick around on a website that just has too much clutter, has an unappealing visual template or other unsightly things.
To improve the conversion rates, you need to keep the customers on your website. How can you make sales when customers refuse to stay on there for more than a minute? This isn?t effective use of your tools, so improving your web design can improve your overall online marketing strategy.
Web Design Needs to Be Optimized for Mobile Phones as Well
One key point that can be an easy oversight are mobile phone optimization web sites. In most of the updated software designs in products gives you easy access to a mobile optimization that?s completely unrelated to your web page on a computer. This is going to be important because there are so many people using their mobile phones as an everyday means of communicating and web browsing.
Online shopping through mobiles devices has also increased significantly since consumers can locate and track an item anywhere in the world and have it shipped to them. If you?re offering a product of sorts, then you want to make sure you?re implementing a mobile design for your web design. You don?t want to be left out and losing conversions because your mobile platform optimization isn?t up to par.
Technology Innovates the Way Web Design Works
Business has become even more tedious with the expansion of the internet and technology. They give you more access to potential conversion. However, if you don?t have all the right tools for your web design, it could potentially damage your branding because people won?t come to your website and make purchases.
This could also register within the search engine and it could rate you poorly because of it. Innovate your web design to help with decreasing any of these things from happening. The more care you put into your web design, the better you?re digital marketing strategy will be in the long-term.