What Are the Benefits of c14 to c13 Power Cords?

When you are in the data storage business, you probably hold a lot of important information. This is why you need to use reliable cords that won’t disconnect without your knowledge. To learn more about the benefits of using c14 to c13 power cords, keep reading along.
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The main benefit of these cords is that they come in a variety of colors. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can save you from connecting cords to the wrong server in the future. It’s also a good way to differentiate between cords that have different uses or that are meant for different servers.

They come in standard black, red, blue, and bright green. You can assign each of the colors to a different server to help keep them separate. They are also designed to stay connected if pulled gently. That’s a great reason to invest in them because you don’t want them to disconnect without warning.

To learn more about these cords, watch the video in this article. It provides some great insight into the way these cords differentiate from others. Call a company in your area today to get started with your plugs.


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