Establishing a solid marketing campaign is one of the most important tasks in business. When it comes to advertising, different ad vendors will try to sell you their solutions, telling you that it is best for your company. You are unlikely to have the experience and expertise to verify each claim. They will look at your company’s products and business goals and advise you on which type or mix of media is best for you.
The word media, as used in the ad world, can be categorized into two groups: traditional and new media. Traditional media consists of things like television and radio commercials, direct mail flyers, and print ads in magazines and newspapers.
New media includes online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, and Spotify. You want to work with a media buyer that has worked with vendors from each of these media groups. They can provide you with a sound and evidence-based media buying strategy. They can also help you figure out your target audience—the age, location, and general background of your ideal customer—and gain the kind of sales conversions that will help you meet your revenue goals.
You should seek the kind of media planning service that is willing to work with you as a partner.