When you start constructing your house, you want to make sure you have good insulation. This will keep the elements out and make sure that you’re getting the best efficiency for your energy. And that’s why if you have a house with some heating or cooling problems, it never hurts to check out the insulation first. But don’t worry — you don’t have to redo all of it. If you can find a problem spot, you can easily replace that section with very little hassle. Especially with spray foam insulation products becoming more prominent.
Before we talk about spray foam insulation products and what they can do for you, it’s important to realize just how beneficial it can be to replace your insulation if it’s old or wearing down. As previously mentioned, it makes your house more energy efficient. In fact, it is estimated that almost 40% of a building’s energy loss can be caused by poor air filtration by way of the insulation. So bad or old insulation is costing you money. And just by adding more or sealing any leaks, your bills might go down as much 20% per month. That’s plenty of reason to want to look into this new kind of insulation.
So now that you’re on board with replacing your insulation if you need it, what’s the big deal about spray insulation? Well, you don’t need to hire a contractor to use them. You can find spray foam kits at your local home improvement store, or easily search online for spray foam insulation products and get them delivered right to your home. But be careful if you decide you want to use these products, as the chemicals can harm your lungs.
And not only is it easy to find, but some people believe that this particular kind of insulation might do a better job overall. Because it’s a spraying foam, it quickly expands until it sets. This means there is no room for air to escape, fixing any ventilation problems that might have been present before it was set. This also makes it an easy fix even if you just have a small leak in your ventilation. However, mice have been reported to be able to chew through the foam easily, so it might not do the job by itself. Reinforcing it is strongly encouraged.
If you’re interested in looking into this insulation, you can do a search for spray foam insulation equipment for sale. You may be able to find kits cheaper online than what they sell for at your local stores. But if you can’t find the leak yourself or think that you just need an overhaul of your insulation, then a professional is always the recommended option before fixing it yourself.