From GSA signs to outdoor school signs to municipal signs to signs for churches, signage of all kinds is prevalent and popular all throughout the United States. After all, the impact of everything from GSA signs to signs for municipalities can be impressive, especially when you consider how many people see them on a day to day basis.
For one thing, GSA signs can be used to draw in a truly impressive amount of customers to just about any given retail establishment. After all, signs like GSA signs inform many customers to the existence of the retail location in the first place, with more than 30% of all customers (around 35% of them, to be just a bit more precise) coming into a store only because they saw the sign first. At Best Buy alone, more than 15% of all walk-in customers only were able to learn about the store because of the signage they saw, often incorporating signs like GSA signs.
And GSA signs and the like can even boost overall revenue (likely by boosting the total customer base, as is discussed in the paragraph above). The presence of new GSA signs or even just recently updated GSA signs was found to boost overall revenue for the typical brick and mortar store location by more than 7%. And while this might not seem like an overly large amount, it is most certainly one that will add up the longer that time passes on and the more that people are able to see and notice the GSA signs in question.
Of course, GSA signs are far from the only way in which signage for businesses can be used as an advertising tool. In addition to GSA signs, signage like billboards can be found all throughout the country. Fortunately, people actually pay attention to these billboards, with up to 71% of all people who drive past them noting and paying attention to at least some of them. And very nearly 40% of all people are paying attention to just about each and every billboard that they encounter.
The impact that this can have is a profound one. After all, more than 65% (around 68%, to be just a bit more specific) of all people make at least some of their shopping decisions while still in the car, if not the majority of them. And very nearly one third of all people will actually visit the retail store advertised on a billboard within one week of seeing said billboard. This just goes to show how powerful billboard advertising can still be.
Billboard advertising can even be effectively utilized to boost interest in events, as up to 58% of all adults in the United States have found an event that they later looked into attending through a billboard. The same percentage of adults have also found restaurants through billboard advertising. Therefore, it is clear to see that billboards are effective for the advertisement and marketing of a wide array of different goods and services.
Of course, in addition to GSA signs and billboards, on-site signage also plays a hugely important role. After all, the impact of on-site signage is so profound that its overall utilization can be compared to taking out as many as 24 full page newspaper advertisements throughout the course of just one single year. On site signage can be implemented in many different ways, and can be utilized to draw in new customers as well as to inform them of the products that are available to them. And when on site signage is utilized, it has been found that even fully priced items that have not been discounted in any way will still sell up to 20% better than their counterparts for which on site signage has not been utilized.
From GSA signs to signs for government buildings to outdoor signs for schools to LED business signs, signage is hugely important all throughout the world as we know it. It will only remain so in the years that are ahead of us as well, especially as more ways of advertising become prevalent throughout our world.