The world around us in a constant state of flux. Keeping up with it means looking beyond the surface.
Civil engineering provides us the means of sculpting the world into a safer place. These services are used to dictate where a building can be constructed and how. They’re called upon when a dam starts to crack or a road can no longer be driven on. When you find yourself in need of the biggest civil engineering companies in the world, you’re calling on an old service with new tools. From photogrammetry to lidar services, there’s a solution ready and waiting.
It’s better to be safe than sorry. Here is a basic overview of civil engineering services and how they’re used to maintain the United States today.
An Overview Of Civil Engineering Over The Decades
Civil engineering management changes as the environment does. The United States is well known for its complex interstate system, which was only possible when innovative minds looked at the world around them and asked for more. Inspired by the network of high speed roads in Germany during World War II, Dwight D. Eisenhower passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. The law would proceed to fund the first 40,000 miles of the American interstate. It now boasts 45,000 miles and runs through all 50 states.
Why American Roads Are In Need Of Repair
Such an impressive achievement isn’t without its downside. With so many people using American roads, it’s only natural many of these systems would need constant repair. According to recent studies, nearly a third of all highway problems are related to substandard road conditions and obsolete road designs. These extend to bridges, as well, which tend to handle more traffic than they were designed for. Construction administration can provide temporary bridges and roads to keep traffic running smoothly while repairs are made.
Managing Today’s Aging Wastewater Facilities
Alongside aging roads and damaged bridges, American wastewater facilities are in need of a little help. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) estimates that drinking water utilities will have to invest at least $335 billion over the next 20 years to address deteriorating infrastructure. Recent data suggests that, once 2020 arrives, up to half of the assets in these wastewater facilities may be beyond the useful point of their lifespan. America’s aging sewer systems do more than just create frustrating clogs. They spill trillions of gallons of untreated sewage into the environment.
Addressing Construction Concerns With Photogrammetry
One of the best features of technology is how easily it paints a bigger picture. Photogrammetry is used in several industries, providing the means of taking simple photos and transforming them into so much more. This is the process in which two (or more) 2D images are translated into three dimensional models. This goes a long way in improving analysis and helping various parties reach a stronger conclusion. Building development wouldn’t be as effective as it is without geotechnical design firms.
Requesting Lidar Services For Your Next Project
When you find yourself in need of a technological boost, your next order of business is to speak to civil engineering management. They are deeply familiar with the step-by-step process that goes with evaluating the environment, lining up business goals with reality, and providing a technical solution. Ask your civil engineer services about how lidar services can help you reach your goal. This can be evaluating pavement or managing flood control. No matter what you need, geotechnical engineering consultants can meet you halfway.
See things from a new point of view. Use lidar services to expand the world around you.