If You Want to Save Money, You Need to Get These 7 Items in Bulk

Since the rise of the big-box store in the United States, the country has fallen in love with buying items in bulk. Following the path of most businesses, who most always buy paper in bulk, for example, people like to get just about as much as they can this way. One caveat is while it may make sense to buy paper in bulk, for example, buying paper in bulk makes a lot of sense. Buying something like ice cream in bulk may lead to a freezer filled with ruined frozen desserts. Here are some items that should always be bought in bulk:

  1. Buy butter in bulk. This one surprises some people but butter is one item that many of us use more often than we realize. Not everyone may be Julia Child, who often said that “you can never use too much butter in cooking.” At the same time, butter can be used in all sorts of cooking and baking (as well as be used as a condiment). For that reason, having it around can make life in the kitchen better.
  2. Stock up on booze. You do not have to be a booze hound to want to get a better deal on your beer, wine, and spirits. It is much, much cheaper to buy a 12-pack of beer than a 6-pack. The very same can be said for larger bottles of spirits. Wine is a bit different. If you do not plan to drink the entire bottle in a day or two, you will want to buy multiple bottles than larger ones.
  3. Supplies for your office or kids’ school. There are some products that never go stale or bad. This is why it always makes sense to buy paper in bulk. The same goes for buying bulk envelopes and other items. You kids may not need to get their paper from wholesale paper suppliers but you will save a lot if you stock up on work and school supplies for both of you.
  4. There are other kinds of paper to buy in bulk. If you want to buy paper in bulk, you also have toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins to think about. Experts say that if you buy your toilet paper in bulk, you will pay about half you would pay if you only bought one roll at a time.
  5. Get your nuts and nut jars of nut butters in bulk. There are a number of reasons to have nuts around the house. People who snack on them weigh less than those who do not. They can also dress up every meal. Nut butters such as peanut and almond can be great additions to dishes as well and are good sources of protein. The best part is they last. You can extend the life of your almonds and the like by keeping them in the freezer.
  6. Does it not always seem to be the case that when your remote control batteries die, it is at the worst time? You can avoid all of that by buying these in bulk as well. Stock up on larger containers of the batteries you use all of the time or get them when they are on sale. Keep them in the freezer to keep them fresh and you will be all set for savings and more convenience.
  7. Get your extracts in bulk. Many people love to use vanilla extract or almond extract or whatever for baking and adding to hot beverages. These are great additions to any kitchen but they can be very expensive when you get the little bottles they sell at the local grocery store or corner bodega. You can save a ton of money by going to a big-box store or looking for these items online.

You do not have to be a doomsday prepper to want to buy some items in bulk. There are a lot of good reasons that the big-box stores are so popular in the United States and around the world. They are great for families with lots of mouths to feed as well as offices with lots of documents to print.

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