PR, or public relations, has long been popular all throughout the United States. As a matter of fact, PR agencies have made a real name for themselves over the course of a good number of years, of this there is no doubt. The industry for PR agencies is actually very much on the rise, something that is reflected by the recently gathered data on the subject. This data shows that up to 30% growth has been seen over the course of recent years in the world of the PR agency alone, something that is quite impressive and even might be considered to be quite tremendous indeed. That’s actually a growth that has been seen over the course of the last five years alone, and it’s growth that is likely to continue into our future, of this there is no doubt.
After all, the industry for PR is one that is consistently growing and expanding, of this there is no doubt. After all, the world is a growing one and the ways in which we utilize the tools in front of us – and relate to the world around us, for that matter – is something that has also been nearly constantly shifting. In a great many cases, people relate in ways that are already much different even to the ways in which people related a mere decade or two decades in the past. Therefore, it is something that we should take very seriously indeed, of this there is no doubt.
For one thing, content creation is being utilized and conducted differently than ever before. In many cases, content creation is directly tied to social media, of which there are now a number of different platforms. From Facebook to Snapchat to Twitter to Instagram and even beyond just these four, social media influencers have been found to have a pronounced impact in the lives of many. And these social media influencers are likely to change the landscape, at least somewhat, of how we conduct PR work. After all, more than half of all PR professionals in today’s day and age now feel that both content creation in hand with working with various social media influencers is actually something that will be very important indeed to PR efforts and how PR work is conducted in future years. Therefore, this is something for the typical PR company to keep a close watch on indeed. And many a PR company here in the United States is actually even already utilizing these strategies and means of conducting PR work. For the PR company who isn’t, change will likely need to be made in the near future.
Another change likely to be seen soon in the typical PR company is that of working more closely with marketing. Marketing itself plays a huge role in our world as we know it, and the above mentioned social media influencers themselves actually play a vital role in the marketing world. Currently, however, the typical PR company will not be that much involved in the marketing process. It is only the case, after all, that around 20% (even a bit less than, to be just a bit more exact) of all PR personnel are involved in the process of a marketing campaign. But, as many working for a typical PR company already know, this is something that is likely to change in the years that are ahead of us. As a matter of fact, even more than half of all marketing executives (around 60% of them, to be again just a little bit more specific) are of the opinion that a PR company will work more closely with marketing teams throughout the marketing process that awaits us in the years that are to come. It only makes sense, of course, that the roles of the marketing company and PR company would be very similar and closely twined. In fact, most PR companies and PR firms would very much find themselves agreeing with this assessment.
The world of public relations and marketing are worlds that are growing, in part thanks to the advancement of technology that has been seen over the course of a number of years.