Why Schools Need To Invest In LED Signage

Pictured yourself on a sidewalk in a busy city, maybe somewhere like New York City. As you look up and down the street, you’re likely going to see lots of people and lots of signs, all beckoning you to stop in for a bite to eat, catch a show or step inside a specialty store.

The “bright lights, big city” mentality is certainly drew of places like New York, but think for a minute about why your eyes are drawn to those signs. In today’s fast-paced world, the biggest reason your eyes are drawn to them is because of LED lighting.

Today, LED lighting makes up about 53% of the lighting market and as the years go by, it may grow to 100%. Why? LED lights and LED signs are becoming the standard everywhere because LED lights shine brighter, last longer, hold up in any conditions, convert more energy to light and are more eco-friendly than traditional lighting methods. In short, they are currently the perfect answer to any and all lighting issues and needs.

If you’re driving through your city of residence, you’ll likely see LED lighting all over the place. These days, LED lighting can be found in electronic business signs, marquee signs for schools, church marquee signs and municipality signs to name a few places. They are effective in all those spots because their messages as clear, colorful and brightly lit.

When it comes to LED signs for schools, there are many benefits schools can gain from them. With LED signs for schools, school administrators can make members of the community pay attention, get important messages out and boost school spirit to name a few things. In short, they can be one of the best investments a school can make.

Believe it or not, the average person is exposed to more than 3,000 messages a day, but many of those messages and signs are quickly forgotten. But it’s also been found that at least 35% of people have indicated they wouldn’t have discovered a business if not for the sign. With LED signs for schools, school administrators have something that’s hard for people not to see and plenty of benefits:

  • Connection: These days, especially in some uncertain times, schools need to get get important information out and fast. Thankfully, LED signs for schools shine bright and last long, so people driving by can see it day and night and in any kind of weather.
  • Easy to use: Most school administrators can surely remember the days of old-school marquee signs where messages had to be changed out slowly, letter by letter. That’s tedious and wastes a lot of time. These days, LED signs for schools are connected (usually wirelessly), which means schools can get messages up quick, which is great for things like sudden school closings or safety concerns. Some of them even work where messages can be rotated on a loop.
  • Boosting school spirit: Everything these days at schools is all about focusing on positivity as it should be. As such, LED signs for schools are the perfect vessel to provide a boost of school spirit. If a big game is coming up, schools can post something offering some words of encouragement and inviting fans to come out. If the school has a huge academic achievement, it can be highlighted on the marquee too. LED signs for school can also be used for simple things like thanking the community for its support or highlighting unsung members of the school staff.
  • A worthwhile investment: LED marquees are well worth it for any school looking for new signage. It’s easy of use, top-of-the-line lighting and ability to get important messages out to parents, teachers, students and other members of the community makes it worth every single penny.

Bottom line: schools need to stand out these days and LED signs for schools are the perfect way to do that. People in a community need to know what’s going on with their local schools and marquee signs are the perfect way to get out all the need-to-know information. For many schools, investing in a brand-new LED sign can be the best decision they’ve ever made and a great way to improve their brand.

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