Are you in need of affordable home insurance? Perhaps you need to compare renters insurance rates for your new apartment. Whatever the exact kind of coverage you need, it is important to do plenty of research, not only about the specific policies you are considering, but also about the insurance industry as a whole and…
A Look at Payday Human Resource Solutions
You may be the human resources professional working for a rapidly growing company. Or, you could be looking for solutions that can help streamline your day to day functions. There are many solutions out there that can help you do your job. A human resource management system or human resource information system, including payday human…
How to Stay Safe in the Construction Industry
Construction safety is essential for keeping costs down and protecting workers. A key component of construction safety is site planning. Getting ready for construction should include a site safety plan that reduces the risk of injuries and includes the proper equipment. Construction worker training, following OSHA guidelines, and keeping a keen eye on potential hazards…
Looking to Improve Your Company’s Marketing Strategy? Consider SEO
Are you looking to give your small business an edge over the competition? Perhaps you are in need of new methods of interacting with customers in a quality way? Savvy online Internet marketing offered by the best website design companies available may be just what you need. Certain Internet marketing experts may be able to…
Finding the Best Phone Answering Service
By instituting business phone answering services for your business, you are able to provide customers with a way to contact you around the clock. In fact, you may have talked with virtual receptionists before since most doctors and dentists use them to cover gaps in 24 hour phone service. Your business could leverage telephone answering…
Casual Fridays are Fun, But Business Uniforms Still Have Their Place
In the 90’s, companies had to find ways to make themselves look more desirable to potential employees. Many of them turned to Casual Fridays to make their office more fun and the work environment less burdensome. Nowadays, according to stats from, 90% of companies have a casual Friday, a third allow casual clothing every…
How Important Are Security Services?
Security services are some of the most important services for businesses. For the most part, security officers are uniformed and act to protect property by maintaining a high visibility presence to deter illegal and inappropriate actions, observing for signs of crime, fire or disorder, and then taking action and reporting any incidents to either their…
An Interview with Jeremy Simpson of Suburban Marketing Co.
Over a decade ago, Jeremy Simpson began optimizing websites and content for natural search engine marketing. He started Suburban Marketing Co. two years ago, developing it from the ground up. Simpson is currently the marketing director at Suburban Marketing Co. Today, we sat down with him to discuss his motivations for starting the company. %3Cbr%3E…
9 Benefits of Internet Marketing You Can’t Afford to Miss Out On
We rely on the internet for so much. It helps us manage our schedules, provides our news, and gives us better ways to stay in touch with old friends. So why is it that so many small business owners aren’t ready to use it for marketing purposes? The benefits of internet marketing are innumerable. From…
Three Reasons Your Small Business Needs to Outsource Its Payroll
Managing the payroll of your small business can be a pretty big challenge. In-house payroll is tasked with such responsibilities as totaling employees’ hours, performing gross-to-net calculations for each of them, calculating and depositing payroll taxes, and then preparing and filing tax returns accurately and on time. It’s a complex, risky, expensive endeavor, since even…