Sometimes finding the root of a problem is not very easy. In fact, frost on the inside of your home could be the result of a lack of insulation of you may find out that the problem actually originates outside and can involve major roof and gutter repair. For instance, an ice dam extends under the flashing can cause significant damage if it is not repaired correctly. When you purchase an existing home, for instance, you can be dealing with problems that were avoided or neglected by the previous owner. An ice dam, for instance, can even extend inside to create rotted wood frames, as well as exterior paneling. Finding a contractor who can unclip the siding to replace the panels, take care of the reframing, as well as the drywall and insulation replacement is not always easy. In fact, there are many times when the easy fix can actually cause more problems. Finding someone who will investigate the problem and find the real solution is essential.
When it comes to major construction contracts like pipelines and support plumbing systems, the knowledge of specific kinds of weld fittings, liquid and gas flow values and branch connections are especially important. For example, intricate work with screwed fittings is an essential part of many kinds of industries. When working with heat exchangers, for example, many industries rely on a company that allows customers to come in order to purchase the right parts for their projects. The best companies guide their customers through the selection and purchasing process and help them find the right items at the right cost. Screwed fittings are one very specific example of the many kinds of items that a customer might rely on so that their projects are completed correctly.
Screwed Fittings Are One of Many Specific Details That Require Careful Attention
In a time when so many people are concerned about the pipelines that are being laid to carry the fuel that we all need, it should come as no surprise that the accuracy of screwed fittings and other details are essential. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many kinds of details that play an important role in not only the pipeline industry, but other types of businesses as well:
- Delivering trillions of cubic feet of natural gas and hundreds of billions of tons of liquid petroleum products each year, the U.S. currently has more than 1,382,569 million miles of pipeline.
- When natural gas is first transported through transmission lines it can be passed through at pressures up to 1500 pounds per square inch (psi).
- By the time natural gas reaches a household piping system, pressure has often been reduced to under 0.25 psi, an amount that is less than the pressure created by a child blowing bubbles into milk through a straw.
- Metal flanges are classified from 150 to 2500 # rating, but steel pipe flanges are available in variety of styles and pressure classes.
- The direct cost of corrosion in the U.S. more than a decade ago was $276 billion each year, or about 3% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), according to a study released by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in the year 2002.
- There are over 100 major projects that will require flanges, piping, and various pipe fittings in the next five years along the Gulf Coast alone, an indication of an expanding industry.
The first oil pipeline in the U.S. is believed to have been built in 1862 in Pennsylvania. Since that time, of course, the industry has expanded exponentially. As the pipes have expanded, of course, so too are the safety concerns from consumers throughout the country. The exact detail of screwed fittings and other mechanical needs play an important role in the safety of any system. Likewise, it is essential that the contractors are knowledgable and reliable. and in addition to the initial construction of these pipelines, there is also a significant amount of maintenance work that is required. For instance, pipeline corrosion alone costs the U.S. economy more than $9 billion every year. Finding the resources for the necessary materials for this maintenance is as important as finding the highest quality workers to complete the projects.