As technology advances, industry expands, and the digital age dominates, the world becomes increasingly smaller. We are more easily connected to far away lands and distant peoples. Markets have become global and there is very little that stands in the way of progress when it comes to business, building profitable empires, and improving the efficiency and ease of everyday tasks in people’s lives. However there is one thing that perhaps should stand in the way. The health of the planet is a topic that is achieving more awareness, but often when it comes down to it, is swept aside for the sake of progress. Is the progress really worth it if we are slowly and surely killing the planet that has given us life and the chance to make this progress in the first place?
Why environmental contracting needs to be the future
Every year, about 16,000 chemical spills from storage tanks and transportation vehicles occur. The spill usually takes place during a transfer from one containment area to another. Naturally, for the sake of business and progress, we as a species have not considered deserting materials that could have such a negative effect on the earth when inevitable accidents happen. And that is even in spite of the fact that over 80% of the most dangerously hazardous waste sites in the United States have had a significantly negative impact on the quality of ground water in the nearby area. Many companies will take advantage of environmental remediation services if forced to answer for the damaging waste, but if environmental contracting became the norm, there would be less chance of the need for cleanup crews after the fact.
Saving the earth is everyone’s responsibility
Relying on environmental contracting at the start of a construction project will minimize the damage to the earth in the process, but environmental contractors also offer several remediation equipment options for when things have taken a turn for the worse and there has been a spill or other harmful pollution has occurred. There are ways for companies to step up and take responsibility for helping to preserve the state of the area in which they are working. And businesses and transportation services absolutely need to be held accountable for any spills. But it is up to everyone to help keep our planet beautiful and plentiful. About 80% of water pollution can be attributed to domestic sewage, such as when everyday citizens toss garbage onto the ground or into bodies of water. It is not difficult to hang on to your trash until there is an appropriate place to dispose of it. The health and lives of future generations are relying on the ability of today’s generation to simply not be lazy. We can start fixing things now.
The human race has done a lot of damage to this planet we inhabit. But the earth is not past saving. It may not seem like much, but being mindful of your own actions and starting by simply not littering, and encouraging the same of others, can do an immense amount of good.
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